QUALITY The Quality of SMIT
Pursuing micro fabrication and higher purity without being bound by prescriptive concepts.
Committed to quality to achieve the level that results in customer satisfaction.
The most important thing in our development and manufacture of ion implanters is to meet our customers' requirements.
In the first place, without ability to develop products, we cannot meet the demands of customers. As a manufacturer, we have faith in working on quality to achieve the level that results in customer satisfaction.

01 QUALITY Ability to Design and Develop Products
Utilizing the firsthand opinions of customers
The Sales Division is not the only group to contact customers.
Our Service Division, Field Support Group, and other groups of staff members are making efforts to have many opportunities to talk directly with customers in the field.
As such, we have an environment to utilize as many firsthand opinions of customers for our development as possible. By listening to customers’ demands and worries, we can make further progress.

02 QUALITY Manufacturing and Technological Skills
Reliable delivery of high-quality equipment
Manufacturing is the last mile in delivering products to customers. Its role is to understand the evolving demands of customers and stably deliver manufactured implanters that fully meet the quality requirements in the design to customers.
Since it is important to make sure that quality is guaranteed for each process, by establishing and managing procedures and plans to meet quality requirements for the process for which one is responsible, we ensure the quality of each individual process.

03 QUALITY Support Capabilities
“Service Quality” is our motto
In order to protect the absolute value that we place on stable implanter operation, we refer to both services provided to customers in general and those provided by each division as service quality.
We work to provide utmost quality service and support by enhancing the three elements of service—people, components, and information—for technologies and speed provided in response to requests and demands from customers and for repair and adjustment.
Characteristics of
SMIT Technology
High ability for independent development that defies conventional wisdom with a wide range of proprietary technologies, from physical design of beam lines to element design for the wafer transfer system.
Advancements in micro fabrication and higher purity are required of ion implanters. To promote them requires further development of technologies and SMIT builds on those technologies to steadily make continuous progress.
On the other hand, we also challenge ourselves to create products based on a new concept by utilizing our own seeds that are not found in other companies.
For example, ion implanters are classified into the three categories: high-energy ion implanters, high-current ion implanters, and medium-current ion implanters depending on the amount of ion beam and energy to be generated. Until recently, it was common sense in the industry to provide different implanters from each of these categories to customers.
Without being bound by the concept of these categories and breaking the barrier of categories altogether, we have developed an implanter that is more convenient for customers.
The semiconductor industry has been changing every year and the needs of customers have also been changing accordingly. We cannot make progress unless we are always on the lookout and listening to the voices of customers. In fact, the product lifecycle is a short 2 to 3 years and we are always working to develop new products and improve existing products.
SMIT has its own technologies to perform physical design for beam lines and element design for wafer transfer systems. It is this technological backbone that allows us to create totally new implanters that are not found in other companies.